Saturday, June 11, 2011

Web 2.0: A Whole New World!

Still hesitating to be part of the whole new world of digital... Resting in your comfort zone of bricks and mortars? Watch this!

Hypermarketing2 Students: After watching this video, what did you realize about our digital world (try to answer in 10 to 50 words) in the comment box at the bottom of this post. Or click on the link...

Twitter 101

Twitter's widespread use is a testament to its ability to answer the communication needs of a lot of people worldwide. That Twitter exists side by side with blogs, email, SMS and Facebook indicates that it is sufficiently differentiated to address a gap between what its customers' need and want vs. what all the other competitors offer.

Maybe I've just been too time-starved to really learn Twitter; but if I am to keep in step with the rest of the world, learning it and using it the same way I use my phone, my blog and Facebook, then using Twitter is not an option but a necessity.

To share my learning curve with those who are also new to this, here is a collection of Youtube, blogs and htmls for the Twitter newbie...