Sunday, March 14, 2010

Prodigal Father vs. Prodigal Son- A New Paradigm

During this week's homily, our parish priest explained that prodigal has 2 different meanings: first, is recklessly wasteful which is why this is apt for the well known Parable of the Prodigal Son. The second meaning refers to boundless, lavish, profuse, giving or given in abundance which brings his view that the action of the father to unconditionally accept the return of his errant son is also an act that makes him the Prodigal Father.
And so for this Lenten Season for reflection and reconciliation, arent we both prodigal sons and prodigal parents?
Dont we always say that we will always love our children unconditionally no matter what; that we will call them to task for their actions but that it will never diminish our love for them as persons. Imperfect and frail creatures that we are, we actually do believe in this 100% when we say this to children when they occasionally misbehave. But imagine our Prodigal Father in heaven and his infinite, unconditional love for us. We are truly blessed and we just need to remind ourselves of this every day.

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